4 Reasons To Use Booth® Insights For Your Next Research Project

Published On: February 3, 2021By

The KNow Research digital pop-up is a research solution that allows you to replicate intercept interviews online. We work with you to understand your research needs and objectives and – with a little research magic – we create a digital pop-up that qualified participants pop into and talk to our expert moderators for quick, ~20 minutes conversations.  This allows us to speak to up to 30 participants in a day!


If that’s not convincing enough, here are 4 (more) Reasons To Use Booth® Insights For Your Next Research Project


#1: Discovery Work


Have an idea and want to have informal discussions with your target audience before you start putting more effort into it?

A pop-up is a low-investment way to test the waters by reading the (Zoom) room to refine exactly what you’re going after.

Example: Our retail apparel client saw an uptick purchases in their brick-and-mortar store locations in the midst of the pandemic. But conventional thinking would expect them to see purchases trending down. To find out what was driving this increase, they booked a digital pop-up to understand why customers were going in-store when they could be shopping online. What we found solidified their hypothesis and laid the groundwork of what they else should do to more fully meets the needs of this audience.


#2: Efficient Research To Meet Your Timelines


As researchers, we would love more time to do anything: to recruit participants, to field research, and to put efforts into a compelling and thorough report.

However, timelines keep shrinking as our clients need insights faster and faster, another great reason to pop-up!  We’ve found that we can turnaround research projects quicker than every thanks to Booth® Insights.

Example: Throughout the pandemic, what consumers expect from companies, especially those on the retail and financial service sector, shifted – and continues to shift. We’ve fielded countless pop-ups for clients who are working to understand and meet consumer needs as quickly as possible on topics ranging from what they now want from a financial advisor to how they can feel shopping for shoes without ever stepping into a store again.


#4: Get Straight To The Point on Deep Topics


Just because we can talk to many participants over a short period of time doesn’t mean that the conversations in our pop-ups stay on the surface.

We’re able to discuss important, personal, sensitive topics in a pop-up; our participants have not only allowed us to ‘go there,’ but have embraced the opportunity to connect in this way.

Example: There’s limited time available and the sense that the pop-up is fleeting.  This has helped us successfully talking about topics that in the past, we might have spent more time easing into such as inclusivity in fashion, financial effects from the pandemic, unemployment, and the uncertainty of the future. Participants appreciate being heard and respected, being given the space to discuss their lives, and all for a low investment in terms of their time.

#4: Embrace Surprise & Serendipity


When we describe Booth® Insights as a “pop-up”, we really mean that. We can recruit however you want – from customer lists, research panels, social media, etc.… and we truly enjoy the rush of talking to, getting deep with, and discovering insights from participants.

(Personal) Example: I’m one of the lucky ones – I’ve been staying safe and working from home. I appreciate many aspects of staying home but I do miss meeting and talking with people on a regular basis – especially those random interactions that remind you that the world is smaller and more connected than you think. In a testament to how well our pop-up replicates the random spontaneity of intercepts.  We’ve come across all types of participants in our Zoom rooms – mainly strangers who we quickly develop a rapport with; real people I could have possibly run into had we been doing this “IRL”. This helps remind us that target audiences, consumers, customers are all real people that the digital pop-up connects us to.   

Research needs to be nimble and innovative in these uncertain times. As a researcher, I’ve been impressed by how our KNow Research team has come together to make the digital pop-up successful not just because of the obvious limitations in doing in-person research these days, but also to create something that adds value to clients and advance the industry. 


Even when we start popping up in person again, many projects will still benefit from the digital approach!


To learn more about leveraging Booth® Insights for your next project, CLICK HERE.