Showcase Insight Outcomes with Audio and Video

Published On: October 17, 2022By

A question we get asked often by our clients is: How can KNow help me evangelize the insights and strategies we will uncover through qualitative research to our stakeholder teams?

We’ve always found it’s much more powerful when teams hear the insights in our participants voices. So here are a few ways audio/visual research deliverables can help any team showcase insights outcomes internally.

#1 Podcasts/Audio Deliverables

Our podcast deliverable gives our clients something they can share across their internal teams to get stakeholders excited about the research in a way that a PowerPoint presentation just doesn’t.

Listeners can listen to it whenever and wherever they want and get to hear the voices of the consumers.

KNow’s podcasts have been really incredible because it allows us to kind of bring those business teams along as part of the research process.” – Kerry Sette, Vice President, Consumer Insights and Research, Voya Financial

#2 Video Playlists & Reels/Video Deliverables

We’ve invested in high quality video production to bring those voices into boardrooms so decision makers can connect with their target audiences. We offer two main video deliverables at KNow. The first is a video playlist, which is a collection of clips reflecting key themes heard throughout the project. The second is a video sizzle reel, which tends to be about three to five minutes in length, and in which we share key insights uncovered in the research. Both of these deliverables result in sticky, actionable insights for our clients.

We were very happy with the video deliverables quality.  How things were cut and put together really made sense and really impacted people’s thoughts and how they digested the information.” – Jana Saba, Research Analyst, Savage X Fenty

#3 Reporting

Don’t forget about the written/visual leave behinds, presentations, and reports!  Infuse them with audio and video to ensure they pack a punch of insights as well.

We at KNow focus on distilling the message so that right out the gate, as soon as we’ve shared that learning with our clients and worked with them to help them understand what it means, they can go and use it.Molly Stafford-Mastey, Senior Strategist, KNow Research

Intrigued about audio?  Get more information about the Power of Audio in our President Katrina Noelle’s Greenbook’s article:

Want more information about KNow’s deliverables? Get inspired here:

#innovation #podcast #mrx #video #deliverables